How to Use Dopamine to Get More Done

Did you know? Accomplishing small tasks can have a positive impact on your dopamine? The satisfaction from the accomplishment makes you feel good and can motivate you to do more of the behavior for more satisfaction. Dopamine impacts our sense of pleasure and can help...


Obligation- the condition of being morally or legally bound to do something. You are not obligated to keep something because someone gave it to you.  You are not obligated to keep something because someone paid money for it.  You are not obligated to keep...

Do you have a Goal of Being More Organized?

If you have a goal to get decluttered and organizing at the beginning of the year, you are not alone! This is always a popular time to kickstart new goals, because there is something to be said about the idea of a FRESH START! Well, with that in mind, I contributed to...

3 Ways to Keep your Space Organized

So, you organized your space, or maybe you had it organized. What’s next? Maintenance! From a Professional organizer, here are 3 tips to keep your space well organized. Labels!! Maybe you didn’t think you needed labels, or maybe your organizer/friend didn’t offer...

Choosing Gratefulness

You know something? Almost every time I lose perspective on how much I have to be grateful for, I find myself having such a negative attitude. I’ve been labeled as a very positive person, and I’m glad that others see me that way. However, I know my inner...


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