Grace To Organize

Professional Organizers

Organizing is knowing What you own, Why you own it and Where to find it.

Grace to Organize:
Giving You a graceful space and the Tools to Achieve Your Goals

Welcome! My name is Charissa (Grace), and I am a Professional Organizer, and owner of Grace to Organize. We help our clients gain confidence and control over their space, their time, and their lives. We offer decluttering and organizing services for homes and offices. We also offer packing and unpacking services to help minimize the stress of moving for our clients. 


Getting organized has been shown to help us save money, be more efficient with our time, reach our goals, and ultimately give attention to the things that truly matter. This is why having a clean and functional space means so much more than just an organized closet or a clear desk. It can truly make a difference in the way you lead your life.
So, consider the investment of organizing, as just that: an investment. You get out of something what you put into it. If you find that you are frantic, frazzled, and unsatisfied with life, maybe you need less clutter, more space, and more time to focus on what really matters. 


Professional Organizing

Have you ever felt discouraged, or overwhelmed, when looking at your space? Whether it is your living area, your pantry, or your car, disorganization can cause anyone to feel stressed. Most importantly, disorganization can steal your peace. When you don’t feel at peace in your environment, your happiness, and your sense of accomplishment is at stake.

At Grace to Organize we specialize in assessing situations and finding solutions, for your unique space. We are not in your home to judge you, but to show you grace, so you don’t have to worry about tidying up before we come! Our goal is to create a more enjoyable and productive lifestyle for you through your organized space, which we hope will help you focus on your goals and accomplish what you truly desire.


Moving is listed as one of the most stressful events a person can go through. I personally have moved 16 times since I was 18, and am very familiar with finding new/creative ways to solve storage in smalls paces. I have lived with others, alone, and in all sorts of situations. Also, as a Professional Organizer I have helped at least 50 clients to pack and unpack their spaces.

Packing your home in an organized manner will make your arrival to your new space SO much more smooth. Also, unpacking in an organized way makes it so you're more likely to be organized the whole time you live there!

Using an organizer to help with this process is a no brainer!

Decluttering Services

We don't want you to dread using any of the spaces in your home. Our goal is for you to feel peace in your home. Clutter can be overwhelming, overstimulating and frustrating. Physical clutter can keep us from being productive and can cause us to want to just tune out of life. I want you to enjoy your spaces!

We love helping our clients declutter! We specialize in coaching our clients through the process of decluttering. We are not in your space to tell you what's important to you, but rather, to be there as a friendly face, with a more objective point of view . We will ask you specific questions to help you decide what in your home or office serves you, versus what stands in your way of having the life you love. The goal is to create an organized, productive environment. We will take the time to understand your goals, so we can sort and clean up the clutter, and ultimately, reorganize in a way that will feel comfortable to you.

Purchase a Gift Card

You can now purchase gift cards for Grace to Organize organization services! I am so thrilled to offer these. Now, you can give the gift of organization and graceful spaces for yourself or your loved ones! I have multiple dollar amounts to select from, and you can choose to have it delivered now, or at a later date in the future! THANK YOU for supporting my business!

Meet Grace

My name is Charissa, owner of Grace To Organize! And just so you know, you can call me Grace. Even as a young girl, I always had a passion for organizing. Little did I know that my life’s calling would be to help others do the same! I love all things decluttering and organizing.
I am very passionate about helping others, and using my skills to give people more time, space, and energy to work on their own dreams! I offer both decluttering and organizing services to help people optimize their environments and their time to achieve their goals in life. 
I understand that organizing is very personal, and it can be intimidating letting someone into your space. But please know that I am not here to judge! I’ve seen it all: the highs and lows, the clutter and the stressors. I don’t see disorganization as a problem, but as a potential opportunity for more joy and freedom. 
If you’re interested in learning more about what I do, please reach out! Follow Grace to Organize on social media, send me a message, or schedule a free consultation! 

Mission Statement

Grace to Organize became a realized opportunity after I (Grace) heard an encouragement/challenge from God:

“You’ve been hoarding your gift for organizing.”

My MISSION is to meet each client “where they are”, whether chronically or circumstantially disorganized and to radiate grace in both word and action through the personal service of decluttering and organization, for the glory of God.

Grace to Organize LLC BBB Business Review

Life Stages We Can Help With

Transition Period

Losing A Family Member


Moving (Packing/Unpacking)


"Letting someone come into to your home and see your mess and at your most vulnerable can feel overwhelming. From the moment I met Charissa, I felt at ease.

She has a heart to serve and does an amazing job. She is a kind and reliable woman. I would recommend her to anyone needing help organizing."
Office Organizer
Homeowner in Colorado Springs
"I cannot even express in words what "Grace to Organize" has meant to me and to my peace of mind. I can expound upon her organizing skills, her cleaning abilities, her punctuality, and her creative problem solving when dealing with piles of "stuff" - but more important than all of her skills is her character. Deeply servant-hearted without an inkling of judgment or self-righteousness. This is a woman that walks her talk and is using her clearly God-given gifts to better the lives of the people that come in contact with her. She is a rare gem. Hire her, get to know her, she'll change your surroundings and may just change your life."
Homeowner in Colorado Springs
"Grace (Charissa) has a keen eye for organization. She can assess an area in any state of disarray and get right to work on it. She is kind, caring, funny and most of all trustworthy. She will not drag out her work to make more money; she makes efficient use of her time.She has dramatically improved my well-being because I can feel at home in my home when I see progress is being made. If your mess is causing you anxiety, I highly recommend Charissa!"
Homeowner in Colorado Springs

Read more Reviews:

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Get a FREE Organization Consultation

If you’re looking to get extra help organizing your home, or want to get a handle on the clutter hiding in your closets, under your bed, or in your garage, Grace to Organize can help! Don’t even think about cleaning up before I come, I’m not meeting with you to judge you at all. I will be looking at your space with the eyes of a gracious organizer who sees potential and not problems! 
See the calendar below to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation with Grace to Organize.  I’m excited to be a part of this journey with you!

Grace To Organize

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about Grace to Organize! It is our greatest joy to serve others through organization. We believe that decluttered and organized spaces promote happy, fulfilled and purposeful living. 

We declutter and organize homes and businesses in Pueblo, Fremont and El Paso County. This includes: Pueblo, Pueblo West, Canon City, Florence, Penrose, Vineland, Avondale, Beulah Valley, Colorado City, and Colorado Springs. We also travel to Denver when requested, at a premium rate! 

Providing new storage ideas, physical help tackling a project, and encouragement to succeed are the things we are most passionate about. Please contact us below for more information about Grace to Organize, our team and what we can do for you!

I’m cheering you on with GRACE!

Charissa (Grace)


Frequently Asked Questions

We offer two kinds of consultations. One is virtual through Zoom, or you can do an in-person consultation for a small fee.

Consultations are optional, and are based on the preference of the client. We can show up and declutter and organize any space without too much info beforehand. But, of course you may want to share some info before we come, and we totally understand! During the consultation we will first of all have a goal of listening thoroughly. We want to know what’s important to you, what you’ve tried before that has worked or has not, and what your lifestyle is like (Every client and space is unique) We are also looking to make suggestions that stand out to us. For example: Have you thought of adding another shelf here? Or, maybe if you moved your desk here it would open up this space for your printer. We are problem solvers at heart! By the way, if you do book a consult we love meeting your family, pets, and kids and please don’t worry about cleaning up first. We are happy to see your home just as it is day-to-day, your job is not to impress us! We are non-judgmental and are meeting you with eyes of GRACE!

First of all, we will be asking you about the areas of your home that bother you the most, so we know where to start. 

However, we want you to know that we are extremely flexible. You can change your mind in between the consult and our first session, or even DURING the session. You have complete freedom to say “You know what? This space is actually much more manageable now, and I feel like I can handle the rest alone, let’s move on to ____ space and see what we can get done there” 

85% of the time, we work side-by-side with our clients. This is for two reasons. ONE- We will never decide for you if you should or shouldn’t keep something, our job is to coach you if and when you get stuck on an item. TWO- Organizing is a creative process, and can require some trial and error and conversation. We might ask you questions like: How do you use this? How often? Who else in your home uses it? This collaboration helps us offer suggestions that will work for YOU and YOUR family. After all, you have to live with the system we set up and we want to know more about you and your lifestyle! 

We can work solo in organizing almost any space, as long as you know that about 90% of it is stuff you want to keep. As we go through, we would set aside items that look like trash or donate, or maybe they look like they belong elsewhere in home (example: a screwdriver in the pantry) Speaking of pantries, we would also set aside expired food. And, then we will either leave it for you to sort through, or before we leave we can look at it together. We will also give you a tour of the space before we leave, or in the case where you’re not there (yes, some clients leave us in their house to organize while they are away), We would try to send you video or picture updates and notes on items that we had questions about. We also tell our clients, “If you can’t find something, please ask and we will tell you where we put it” 

100%! You are paying us for our time, but also for our experience in organizing, We are happy to offer any suggestions we can for systems, tools, and supplies you may want/need to make your life easier. However, we want you to know that we are frugal at heart, which means we are looking for opportunities to use things you ALREADY HAVE. In some cases, we find things that were going to be tossed that can be useful in a new way. Again, organizing is about trial and error and CREATIVITY, we are happy to share with you any of our right-brained thoughts as we conversate throughout the consult or the sessions!

We are also happy to do research for you, and send you links of items you can buy. 

Ummm, no! Almost every client we have, has at some point asked this or a similar question and we like to tell them: There is no “worst” space. There is NO grade or scale of organization, in our eyes. There are always improvements to be made. Grace often says “even I would benefit from hiring an organizer” Why? Because there are always ways to make a space better! You are not the worst we’ve seen, and we don’t want to you to have a false impression of others’ homes. We have been in about 500 clients spaces over the last 7 years. and not ONE of them stands out as the “worst”. Keeping in mind that almost every client we have feels overwhelmed, you can take comfort in knowing you’re not alone in needing support. You may see chaos, and overwhelm but we SEE POTENTIAL and we get excited about your spaces! 

No, what I have is a natural gift that I love sharing. I remember being 4 years old and sorting in my Grandma’s pantry. I have ALWAYS loved organizing, and as you can imagine over my 33 years of life I have just gotten better and better at it. 

All my life I thought I wanted to be a school teacher, I was in community college working on my Associates degree and felt like God led me to drop my classes. I did, and then I felt like He told me to go to Bible College. I spent 2 years at Charis Bible College, just for the personal growth of it. I had no plans to go into ministry or make a career out of my time there. I was getting ready to graduate and having a WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE sort of moment. My mentor at the time said, “Make a Facebook page for anything you’re good at” So, I made a childcare page, and an organizing page and within 1 month I had two friends reach out saying, “I didn’t know you knew how to organize!” One of those clients was my best friend’s Mom that I had known for 15 years. She lives in Denver, so I had an hour drive home from our session and the WHOLE way home, I was realizing… this is what I was made for. I actually had this thought during that drive “You’ve been hoarding your gift for organizing” WHOA! I thought about my life, and how the only times I ever organized were for ME, or at my workplaces (just to pass the time, and again, because I enjoy it) But, it never occurred to me that I could help others. I also, at the time was not very aware that other people don’t like organizing, or they don’t know how to do it. The funny thing about having a natural gift, is you assume other people have it too. I started my business officially in September of 2017, and have seen the need for my services more and more. I am so grateful that I get to share my gifts, do what I love and get paid for it! Have you thought about what you’re naturally good at lately? You may be able to share it with the world!

Before and After pictures are not required, we just ask that you let us know if you don’t want them to be used for our marketing purposes. We like to take pictures for two reasons. 
1. For YOU to see the progress made each session. It’s amazing how easy it is to forget what a space looked like before. It’s fun to show you the transformation. 
2. For others to see the kind of work we do so they can also benefit. As we mentioned before, you are not alone in needing help and many people still don’t know what help is available. When they see before and after pictures, they can relate and realize there’s grace for them too!

The short answer for this question is “Any space that has stuff!” We have organized pantries, kitchens, garages, crawl spaces, storage areas, kids play areas, offices, junk drawers, utility rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms, closets, even cars! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re not sure if your space qualifies for an organizing session! Our answer will most likely be, “We can do it!”


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