What do you love?

I started my organizing business officially last September, I had to ask myself and God “Is this the right thing to do” and I felt like what I heard was “You were born to do this”. I couldn’t agree more, not that it’s anything great I’ve done but rather it’s a gift in me, and I was “hoarding” my gift, that’s an ironic term, isn’t it? I was keeping my gift to myself and enjoying it thoroughly, I’ve always loved keeping my things in order, and just making my space my own, but it was time for me to serve others. I shared a picture the other day of my Grandma’s kitchen, and I remember organizing her pantry in that kitchen when I was something like 5 years old, my Grandma commented “the pantry was your baby” Well, it certainly was, I was nurturing my gift without even realizing it. So, what took me 20 years to start a business after that? Well, I didn’t realize what was in me and how I could serve others with it, I was hiding in myself. So, what I’m asking you today is to consider:

-If you could do the same thing every day for the rest of your life and get paid for it, what would it be?
-If you could do something every day for the rest of your life and not get paid for it, would it be the same thing?
-What is in your hand? What resources, skills and gifts do you have that you can use to change your life, and those around you?

It’s time to explore your possibilities! You have more in you to share then you may realize!

Picture of Charissa (Grace) Woodward

Charissa (Grace) Woodward

Grace is the Owner and Founder of Grace to Organize, helping overwhelmed people declutter and organize since 2017.

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