Manage your time, like a boss.

I recently started charging more for my organizing services, I told myself, “Charissa, you just got a promotion” Well, that’s the benefit of being self-employed, you are literally your own boss and what you say, goes. But, think about the responsibility of that too, there’s no one to hold me accountable, but me.

Well, that’s the same with our lives in general too. When was the last time you gave yourself a promotion? A vacation? A pay raise? Some grace? When was the last time you gave yourself a pep-talk? A treat? I’ve heard Andrew Wommack say this before, and it’s true. “Some of you need to slow down, and some of you need to speed up” So, which lane are you in? Do you have goals and dreams but you’ve putting them off? Or, are you a bit too ambitious with your own time and energy?

Take a moment right now.
Consider these questions thoughtfully.
Do I need to slow down in any areas of my life?
Do I need to speed up in any areas of my life?

Truthfully, we know that an extreme in either way is unhealthy. Stress causes the body harm, and being in the fast lane for too long will cause stress to our bodies. However, being in the slow lane for too long can cause us to feel lethargic, un-motivated and depressed.

So, what does life look like for you now? Either way, you have to manage your time, like a boss. Own your life, your schedule, your responsibilities and your commitments. If you have too many commitments, please hear me when I say this: You are allowed to take something out. There is grace for you to release something that isn’t serving you, in fact, it would be WISDOM for you to.

If you feel lethargic about life, maybe you need something to inspire and motivate you. Maybe one day this week, that’s right just one day, you wake up an hour earlier than normal and you do something to reach further toward your goal. Go for a walk if your goal is to get healthier, or maybe journal if your goal is to one day write a book. Don’t let the days pass you by, turning in to weeks of un-fulfilled potential. It’s time to manage your time, LIKE. A. BOSS.

Picture of Charissa (Grace) Woodward

Charissa (Grace) Woodward

Grace is the Owner and Founder of Grace to Organize, helping overwhelmed people declutter and organize since 2017.

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