Your belongings, are literally just that, they belong to you. They don’t have feelings about whether you keep them or not. I read the book by Marie Kondo, and for the most part enjoyed it, I just can’t agree with the thought that your socks don’t like being bundled up. Here’s the thing guys, your belongings are meant to serve YOU. So, if it works for you to bundle them, do it. Or, be like me… I just throw all my unmatched socks into one drawer. I don’t waste my time matching, or folding. I just match a couple socks when I get dressed. I’m one of those who doesn’t care if her socks are the same color.
Your belongings don’t have feelings, but you do. This is the reason we de-clutter and organize, it’s for YOU, and YOUR family.
What do you need more of in your life?
I challenge you to consider what things you own that are not serving YOU? If you haven’t used it in 5 years, you are more than likely NEVER going to use it, it’s taking up YOUR space. You pay to rent or own whatever space you’re in, it has to work for YOU. I can’t emphasize it enough, your life is not about what you own, but how what you own empowers you to live out your purpose.
What is your purpose?
Police officer?
Worship leader?
I challenge you also to write a list… What are your roles in this life? And also, what is your ultimate purpose for being on this Earth? Is it to own things you can’t take with you? Possibly, but only if they help you do the other things, like love better, enjoy people, host parties, have a business, sleep well and more.
I love you, and love cheering you on!