Hey readers!
It’s been some time since I’ve posted to you, and I’m trying to get more organized myself, I mean what professional organizer knows everything about organizing, right? I want to keep getting better and better! Well, it’s about time for me to clear out some of the things I’ve saved on my phone that I just love, so I figured this is a great way to compile some fabulous things I’ve found recently that you may love too! So, just fair warning this is a long list of random wisdom and encouragement. Enjoy!
–“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all” -Nathan Morris
–8 ways to constantly be improving:
1. Read books
2. Listen to podcasts
3. Take a course
4. Practice old passions
5. Get feedback and critique
6. Work towards a goal
7. Be open to change
8. Get around community
–10 tricks to be much more productive
1. Get up 2 hours earlier
2. Do the most important thing in the morning
3. Focus on your progress, not just the outcome
4. Stop complaining about not having enough time.
5. Take time to plan and prioritize
6. Focus on minutes, not hours
7. Avoid multitasking
8.Set routines
9. Let go of imperfections and kickstart anyway
10. Leave some free time in your schedule
–Lessons from the silverware drawer:
If I came to your house and asked you to show me your birth certificate, would you know where to find it? What about a safety pin? Your checkbook? The receipt for your computer? An extension cord? Your 2006 tax returns? Regardless of how many or how of these you could produce without too much digging, I bet that if I were to ask you for a fork, you would know exactly where to go to get one. Why? Because the system for organizing your silverware demonstrates four organizing principles:
1. Forks are kept with forks.
2. They have a single and consistent home.
3. Everyone in the household is in agreement about it.
4. Forks are put back there after being used (and washed)
These principles can—and should— be applied to organizing anything in your home. Keep like things together. Give everything a home. Get the whole household on board. Put things back when you are done. It’s really that simple.
–Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.