I was taking a painting class with the one and only, Rebeca Flott, she said “You’re not messing up enough”… I still remember this statement years later, because it honestly shaped how I viewed art ever since then. And, I have thought many times about how that statement can be true in other areas of life.
What makes me a great organizer? I’m not afraid to mess up. Organizing stuff is all about moving it around in such a way that it makes sense, and guess what? That might take some trial and error, no matter who you are. Organizing is creative, in my opinion, and that means that you can give yourself SO much grace for not feeling great at it, for not feeling perfectly ready, or for not having all the supplies/materials just right. If you don’t mess up enough, you will try to hard to make something “just right”, and the only way to get it “just right” is to get it “just wrong” first… and then pivot. Just like painting.
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